In the beginning Liz created her own blog...
Her fingers then hovered across the keyboard and started to type...
And she saw that it was good.
Much better than doing her Treasury Management assignment, actually.
However, why would she want some nosy parker frantically scanning these lines hoping to find some clue as to unravel the deep mysteries of her life?
So, will she, or will she not, continue her blog?
To blog, or not to blog, that is the question....
Liz actually has no desire to write things that can be viewed publicly.
Its like undressing in public, she says.
What a curious thought.
But... It is important for her to express herself.
She must have an avenue for her to say what she wants to say, write what she wants to write, especially when she never really says what she wants to say at times, especially when she rambles incoherently..
Why is that?
She doesn't know...
Perhaps someday she'll be able to explain herself.
She needs some time to explore her possibilities with a blog...
Every relationship takes time to build..
Even with a blog.
Nice to meet you, blog.
I'm Liz.
I hope you like how I've created you.
I'll try and make your existence worthwhile.
Forgive me, I'm new at this.
Forgive me, but I may neglect you.
But I can sincerly tell you you're the nicest blog I've ever meet.
Wonder why that is?
greetings from your ex-cell leader :)
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